Tuesday, April 12, 2011

today I am...

I am missing: long drives up north. Would love to be sitting on the rim today.
I am smiling: yes that is a snowman mug. I've yet to put the Christmas mugs away. I'm smiling because I only have coffee once a week now and this was sweet coffee day.
I am accepting: That I have to set goals that fit my life. Trying to do too much at once leads to burn out. As I have recently discovered.
I am watching: Skylar eat all of my lunch. This is how I lose weight. I have boys.
I am making: pretty felt wedding bouquets today.
I am craving: my new favorite snack- a bowl of non fat vanilla yogurt with banana nut granola on top. So so goooood!
I am loving: having fresh flowers in the house.
I am anticipating: having free time to play with new shop ideas.
I am listening: bon iver & iron and wine. mellow mixes this week.
I am happy:
{Honestly, I started this week with a heavy heart.  And I realize that there are always going to be times where I just don't feel it. My grandma always told me that I could allow myself 10 minutes to crawl into a hole and cry. But only ten minutes to unload. Carrying it around not only hurts me but every one around me too. So I had a good cry. And then did the hard part of deliberately choosing joy. Choosing to be thankful whether I'm feeling empty or full. "God is always good and I am always His loved one." He chooses to love me always, even when I'm feeling empty, overwhelmed and lost. So thankful for that.  So I can choose happiness over staying in the hole. I'm glad I did.}

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. prov 17:22

What are you today?
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