You guys will be proud. I'm doing reallly good on the whole try something new each month project. I tried two new things this past week/weekend.
Project 1: Sewing
My friend Kelli says that sewing is a lost art and I completely agree. So a few friends and I are taking sewing lessons. Above is my way vintage sewing machine. He was a great thrift find and I kind of love him. I'm hoping this guy helps me with my big new project in the works. But more on that later.
Project 2: Cake Balls
I LOVE these yummy treats so this weekend my friend V (who is a new blogger btw) came over and taught me how to make them. Here's the how to :

Two. Then it's time to make your candy coating. We used Wilton's candy melts in pink. You can get those at Party City, Wal Mart, and even Michaels. 1 box of cake mix makes about 75 balls so you will need about 3 bags of the candy melts. Put the melts into a bowl and melt them in the microwave for about a minute. Really watch that they don't burn.
Three. Use toothpicks or a spoon for dipping the balls. I will say the less coating the better. You don't want too thick of a shell. After you've dipped lay the ball on wax paper to harden and decorate with sprinkles right away.
Four. Refrigerate and enjoy! I think the colder they are the better it tastes. But then again it was over 110 all weekend in AZ. Have fun!
What new thing are you going to try this month?