in one word or phrase-
love this hymn print from one of my favorite etsy shops TankandTink. It describes my heart this week. I’m dreaming of you- A really good rain/lightening/thunder storm. Monsoon's get here already and stop teasing us.
song on repeat – Halk Nelson-Take me (acoustic)
take me under your wing tonight
make me so perfect in your eyes
hold on cause it will be alright
you’re not alone
gotta write it down- Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. Hafiz
...and loved this quote from vol. 25
the most important things in Life are not things
picture to frame ---->
highlight of the week- A lot! finally getting up on the wakeboard, Stephen being home 6 days in a row, finally weekend to do list- learning how to make cake balls, seeing inception and trying to find a new sewing machine.
Play along if you'd like
First prize love letters go to Lauren.
Second & third $10 gift certificates go to
Email me a hello so that I can have Jenna contact you.
Thanks for playing along.
I hope something great happens to brighten all of your weekend.