So this morning I was going through my picture mail on my phone and was laughing so hard about how insanely weird and random the pictures are.
Judge for yourself...

One. An inside joke I have with my stinky friend. I was so excited to find this for her. Deordorant soap who knew? Love you friend!

Two. So remember when I told you yesterday that I'm obsessed with cereal? I wasn't kidding. I get really excited when my favorite is on sale, SO excited that I have to announce it to my friends via picture mail. But seriously 2 boxes for the price of one- I had to tell the world. :)

Three. Can you believe he fell asleep like this? So funny. Can you believe I now have
four pictures of Micah sleeping on my blog? haha
Not weird enough yet? How about this...Picture
Four. Yep. That's poop. I had to capture the
joys of motherhood.

Five. Shopping with aunt coco is so much fun!

Six. Don't you love it when you find products with your name or last name on it. Had to take a picture. This is my maiden name by the way. And the water was really good too.
Seven. Micah: "Mommy he just flew up there."

And lastly Picture Eight. So scary! He kept staring at me.Sorry boys there will be no chuck E cheese birthday parties for you.
Alright totally random post. And these were only 8 of almost 100 weird pictures.
Can anyone beat these?
If you have some crazy pictures in your phone that you think can compete with these I want to see them.
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