Monday, June 21, 2010

life lesson

Look who visited my house this weekend.

I woke up Saturday morning to a very scary phone call from Stephen telling me that he had been hit by a car while riding his bike home from triathalon training. A lady rolled a stop sign and he flew over the hood and into the street. It was very scary but thank God he wasn't seriously hurt. He injured his leg and has bruises and cuts on his face but luckily only that. It could have been so much worse and we are just so thankful that it wasn't.

Scary moments like this really put things into perpective for me. All weekend I couldn't help but think about what if that call would have been a different one. It was a good reminder of an important life lesson and that's to really appreciate the ones you love. Don't take anyone for granted thinking that they will be here tomorrow. The rest of my weekend was spent cherishing every minute with my guys and it turned out to be a pretty great one. I'm off to the dentist to learn another life lesson and that is not to wait 8 months to get a filling. :/ pray for me.

It's only when we truly know and understand
that we have a limited time on earth
and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up
that we will begin to live each day to the fullest,
as if it were the only one we had.
-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
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