I started writing here to keep record of memories and lessons I was learning along the way. In the middle it turned into a whole lot of other stuff and now I feel like I'm back where I started. Mostly because I don't have the creativity, time and energy to have it be a really cool full-time blog. That season has passed and it's just back to being my little modern day journal. If you are still reading after all this time then you are pretty awesome and I'm glad you stop by.
Right now I'm 15 weeks pregnant. This time around it is flying by. Which is a good and bad thing. The good because if I'm being completely honest, I really don't like the pregnant me that much. When I'm pregnant I get really insecure and emotional and I move so much slower in everything I'm doing. And good because we won't know the sex until he or she comes in May. The bad because this will probably be the last time I get to experience this and once this little one arrives there will be 3 of them! Overall no complaints just a little thinking out loud. I'm a very happy, blessed beyond what I deserve lady.
These boys are my world. Skylar is 2 and a half and last night I just sat there watching him sleep. Even still it doesn't get old. They will always be the most beautiful thing in this world to me. Except for when they are trashing the post office while I'm trying to package and ship off 10 orders. Okay maybe even then.
I just recently finished reading this book called Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I was always very leery about reading Christian Fiction but I gave it a try and this book really did something in me. It's a beautiful story of forgiveness and God's unrelenting love towards us. It painted a picture of it for me in a way that I can't stop thinking about it. Just read it if you haven't already. The first few chapters are tough but keep going I promise it gets good.
I'm still battling my constant struggle of being in the present. I'm always thinking ahead, running around and missing out on enjoying the now. I don't want to ever forget that it could be over any moment. I don't want to miss out on the important things. My 2012 goal is to get organized so that I can cross that off my worry list and have more time to be. I hope that makes sense. I've been typing with two boys on each side of me talking in my ear. I hope any of this makes sense. ha!
I wrote a little something last week about how I pursue my passion over here. Tomorrow is 3 years since my morning at the kitchen table that I talk about. That was a really good day.
Off to put little boys to bed and hopefully sit by the Christmas tree and read. Goodnight! Thanks for catching up with me.