Tuesday, March 1, 2011

adventures in cooking

Let's pretend like its still February
 because I completely forgot to try a new recipe last month.
A day late but here is recipe #2. Recipe from my bff.

Cost- $15
Serves-6-8 people
6-8 green peppers
1 lb of ground beef
2 + cups of cheese (I always add more cheese to everything)
salt & pepper
garlic powder (I gave it a good swirl, add to your liking)
1 cup and a 1/2 instant brown rice
6 8oz cans of tomato sauce

{Step 1}
Heat oven at 350. Boil Peppers for 10-15 minutes. I took out the seeds first. Then make instant rice.
{Step 2}
Brown meat, mix in cheese, onion, salt pepper, garlic powder, rice and 5 cans of tomato sauce. Mix well.
{Step 3}
Stuff peppers to your liking and put in oven for 40 min. I put a little water on the bottom of the pan so they wouldn't burn.
{Step 4}
Pull out and pour last can of sauce over tops of peppers and top it with a handful of cheese and put back in oven for another 5 minutes.
{Step 5}
take out and enjoy!

2 down, 8 to go to make the resolution.
I love it when people send me recipes. (wink wink)
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