The winner is...little miss sunshine soundtrack
The black keys-tighten up
Two door cinema club-something good can work
The lighthouse and the whaler-under mountain, under ground
Schuyler Fisk-pretty much everything of hers
music is the best inspiration.
I took a day off from the to do list and did some fun reading. I missed n. sparks. love his sweet love stories. Makes me want to take a trip to North Carolina. Have you read it yet?
This season I'm kind of obsessed with cardigans. I'll take one in every color please.

I'm a big 30 seconds to mars fan so I thought this video was crazy. I really thought this was Jared Leto when I first glanced at it. I wish I could play with make up like this. Would make halloween costumes so much more fun.
Gift certificates to my shop are being given out in giveaways this week.
More about that tomorrow! and a guest post coming from my close friend V.
What are you loving this week?