“A good friend knows all your best stories. But a best friend has lived them with you.”
Today I was telling stories about all the major milestones in my life, all the BIG moments that have made me ME. And looking back I realized that I had two major key people there for almost all of these memories. Not my husband, not my parents, well yes they were there too but not for the teenage sneaking around stuff, but my two best friends Kristin & Steph were there through everything.
I met them both when I was 14 and we have been best friends ever since. I remember crying in the back of Kristin’s brother’s truck bed after being dumped for the first time. I remember Steph making me something to eat after getting a little too tipsy after having my first taste with the bubbly. Won’t say who else was trying it with me that night. ha! I remember Kristin calling a boy that really broke my heart and yelling at him for me at 3 in the morning. They were both there to sing me “going to the chapel” the morning of my wedding and were there to celebrate my biggest day with me both as my maids of honor. They were in the hospital with me when I lost my first baby and when the most special person in my life-my grandma passed away. Steph was pregnant with Gennie at the same time I was pregnant with Micah. Kristin was there to calm me down in my major panic attack minutes before Skylar was born. Kristin is more than mommy’s friend; she is Auntie Kristin with the really cool house. Haha! Both of these girls are like sisters to me and I am so blessed to have been able to grow up with them and I know that they will be friends that I will grow old with too.

And in the past 5 years Tanya & Brandy have been added to my list of besties. Brandy never ceases to crack me up constantly and Tanya has the most genuine heart out of anyone I’ve ever met. Tons of irreplaceable memories with you too girls.
That is all. Just wanted to brag about these girls that mean the world to me. I hope everyone is lucky enough to have special people in their life like this. I love you girls!